Melaleuca Walks with a Purpose

Melaleuca showed its colors at the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in Idaho Falls. The event celebrated those who have beaten cancer, remembered those who have passed and raised money for cancer research.
Melaleuca was one of the Relay’s top sponsors. The company specifically honored cancer survivors who attended by donating Renew® skin lotion and Sun Shades® Lip Balm. It also provided Sustain® Sport and Access® Bars to keep many of the attendees going strong.
More than 75 Melaleuca employees and family members came together in support of this inspirational event. Four employees served on Relay’s leadership team and dozens more volunteered at the Melaleuca Team booth. The company enjoyed a strong presence with team members walking around the track at all times. This was anything but a typical stroll. Sleep deprived, they lasted all night from Friday through Saturday at 6 a.m.
All in all, Melaleuca raised $7,000 for the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. Additionally, Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot donated thousands of dollars worth of in-kind services to promote the fundraising walk throughout Southeast Idaho.