What is the Melaleuca Foundation?
The Melaleuca Foundation is the charitable arm of Melaleuca that allows our Preferred Members and Marketing Executives to help us do good where good is needed by donating to worthy causes around the world. It began in 2001, raising $800,000 to help forgotten families affected by 9/11 and later raised $1 million in relief aid following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Today, the Foundation continues to alleviate suffering during times of natural disaster and catastrophe while also supporting numerous nonprofit organizations.
What cause does the Foundation currently support?
The Melaleuca Foundation's signature cause is the Santa Lucia Children’s Home, a special orphanage in Quito, Ecuador. The Foundation began supporting Santa Lucia in 2007 and is now its sole financial supporter. In addition, the Foundation supports many worthy causes that provide disaster relief in times of crisis, feed the hungry, honor veterans, soldiers and first responders, improve education and provide other types of humanitarian aid.
How will my donation be spent?
Because Melaleuca absorbs all of the administrative costs, 100% of your donation will go directly to worthy causes such as the Santa Lucia Children's Home.
Why did the Foundation select the Santa Lucia Children’s Home?
The Santa Lucia Children’s Home is a special place unlike any orphanage in the world. There, you'll find no vast dormitories with rows and rows of beds. Instead, children are placed in separate family groups, where older children can mentor the younger ones. They have their own living spaces where "house mothers" watch over each family group. Living together as brothers and sisters, the children build close relationships and feel loved, needed, and valued. The children are provided with everything they need from food and clothing to school supplies, toys and medical care. Santa Lucia has been successful in nursing many children back to health, facilitating numerous adoptions, and enhancing the lives of thousands of children.
How can I learn more about the Santa Lucia Children's Home and how my donation is being used?
Melaleuca provides regular updates about the Santa Lucia Children’s Home and the other causes we support through Leadership in Action magazine, this web site and periodic emails. We will continue to share the children’s stories on a regular basis, allowing you to know exactly how you are helping people in need and enhancing lives.
How can I make a donation?
You can make either a monthly pledge or a one-time pledge through this website or by calling 1-800-282-3000.
What if I want to change my pledge?
That’s not a problem. You can manage your pledge through the "Donate" page on this site or by calling Melaleuca anytime at 1-800-282-3000 to increase, decrease or cancel your pledge.
How will the monthly pledge work?
Melaleuca will use one of your methods of payment on file with the company. Through the web site or on the phone, you can specify the particular account. The transaction will take place on the 5th day of the month.
Will my contribution be tax deductible?
Yes. Because the Melaleuca Foundation is a qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, pledges are tax deductible for U.S. citizens. If you’re not a U.S. citizen, you’ll want to consult your tax advisor. Melaleuca will send a receipt at year’s end for tax purposes if you’re making a monthly donation. If it’s a one-time pledge, you’ll receive a receipt in the mail within the next month.